Archive for full moon

Wolf Moon

Posted in Experience, Fun and interesting, Life with tags , on January 11, 2012 by theredlass

*sigh* This is truly a beautiful moon. The past two months of last year it was so cloudy and rainy out that I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen a familiar silver face. She is not quite silver tonight though, she is a creamy color, staring at me from within the window of a college classroom. I wanted to do a ritual at her height, but it ended up a rather lovely evening of sharing my experiences and conversing with a friend who was showing a burgeoning interest in witchcraft. We talked about the concepts of witch and witchcraft, the hesitancy to refer to yourself as one, what exactly qualifies one as a witch…also getting beyond the whole beginners mentality. I kind of described it as going to college again. You need to choose or delve into a major in order to learn something. I borrowed a bit from Witch of the Forest Grove, I felt she had the best summary of the different parts one can play as a witch. It was fun! We had meant to make mead but I still don’t have enough honey! :((