Archive for Hunter’s Moon

Hunter’s Moon

Posted in Documentary, Experience, Life, Ritual, Video with tags , , on November 11, 2011 by theredlass

The Hunter’s Moon rose over a chilled a demanding wind this November. But though the clouds had teased us with white flurries that evaporated the moment they touched the ground the night moon was clean and clear in the sky above. I could see out across the corn fields with startling clarity and I actually found the eerie light to be beautiful.

This is the time when I start to bring my rituals inside. It’s not that I mind the chill too terribly much, but to wood is too soaked to hold a fire for long and the offers tend to get blown over and rolled down the road. If the neighbors think I look crazy dancing around the fire wait till they see me chasing down the road after my incense!

I’ve been having an affair with the pomegranate as of late. I used it for my Samhain ritual and it was the very first time I’d ever tasted fresh pomagranate seeds. Now I have a tincture, honey and salve in the works. Makes me happy to have something of a plan ahead of time. I honestly enjoy having the time to sit within the household and work on these things. Makes me feel wonderfully domestic and witchy at the same time.

Laura and I spent some time on one another last night. We’ve been really stiff and sore lately, our joints and muscles aching when we wake up inĀ  the morning. So I made up some lotion and we spent an hour each massing the muscles and getting our bodies to relax. It felt very nice getting to that point where your body isn’t feeling pulled and strained. Of course the down side is when you actually have to move afterwards and you REALLY don’t want to.*laughs*

Oh if you get some time take a peak at this documentary.