Archive for February 1, 2012

Happy Imbolc

Posted in Imbolc, Poetry, Ritual with tags , , on February 1, 2012 by theredlass

Imbolc is a special time of year, especially for those of us who are getting some lucky springish weather appropriate to the season. Imbolc means in the belly and is the time of year when the ewes are either pregnant or lactating, promising the renewal of life to the earth. You begin to see early spring flowers like snowdrops and hyacinths, and maybe even some animals poking about if there is a break in the weather.

This is the time of year when the goddess is in wait. She has spent a long, lonely winter without companionship and now she is on the prowl for a lover and mate. She may sample many before consenting to become a wife, but she dresses as a bride to show her prospective marriageability. She is still young and wild and free and she is dressed in white, yellow and green to reflect the seasons colors.

In Irish mythos however, it is still the time of the hag Cailleach, who chooses the weather this time of year. If Imbolc dawns sunny and bright, be happy for the relief, because it means she is gathering firewood for the winter, which will be lasting much longer. I guess that’s bad luck on me because it’s positively beautiful outside right now!

I’ll be spending my Imbolc in school tonight but on Friday some friends and I are going hiking in a local nature preserve. We will bring the Bride doll I just made with us as well as candles and offerings (bird seed and such) and spend some contented hours in the woods praising the Bride.

Maiden Bride
Lady Bride
Come dance with me tonight
By the fires on this Imbolc eve
You husband there is waitin’
Your maidenhood he’s takin’
So dance with me until he pays you heed.

The Bride Doll will soon be for sale at The Red Lass Emporium for $25. Each doll is made only after it has been ordered and therefor you should expect some variance in the apperance due to material availability.